
Your own tutorials

You can support GTutorials and create tutorials with us too, and we could also split revenue! How does it work?
1. Pick a game / an app / anything you want to create a tutorial to.
2. Contact me on Tell me to what you want to make a tutorial.
3. I'll create a repository on github for you to be able to modify the site.

How does making the site look like?
You get your own folder with html file in which you make all the tutorials in separate divs. You work in normal html (and css if you want) we give you freedom on how you make the site look, just don't move too far from the base site look. If you want to make your tutorial interactive in any way and you want to use js go ahead too (I'll be checking your script, you can't make malware or other stuff like that)

What about money?
Everything we get from buymeacoffee will be split equally to every member of GTutorials. But if you want to be independent from our money go ahead and link your own donating sources.

Any limits?
No nsfw, no illegal stuff, probably stick to IT things / games, change anything you want about your site (just try to make it look at least a bit like GTutorials).

Any requirements to making the site?
Give at least some screenshots, the tutorial can't be 1 big div (you have to split the tutorial to different parts). The bare minimum for css is to change the background image and logos.

Tutorials you make won't earn money from the beginning. If we think they are high quality enough, contain enough content, and also get any traffic, that's when we'll split the revenue. Keep in mind that making 1 or 2 tutorials just to get some money won't work here :P